1. 居民户口簿具有证明居民身份状况以及家庭成员间相互关系的法律效力,是户口登记机关进行户籍调查、核对的主要依据。户籍登记机关工作人员进行户籍调查、核对时,户主或本户成员应主动交验居民户口簿。
The Household Register is a legal instrument for proving the citizenship andrelationship between family members. It is the main basis for inquiring andchecking the household registration status of citizens by the HouseholdRegistration Organ. The householder or members of the household shall, uponrequest, submit the Household Register to the officials of the HouseholdRegistration Organ for checking.
2. 户主对居民户口簿应妥善保管,严禁私自涂改、转让、出借。如有遗失,须立即报告户口登记机关。
The householder shall properly keep the Household Register in safe place.Unauthorized altering, transferring, or lending the Household Register toothers are strictly forbidden. Report to the Household Registration Organimmediately should it be lost.
3. 居民户口簿登记权属于户口登记机关,其他任何单位和个人不得在簿上作任何记载。
Only the Household Registration Organ may record data onto the HouseholdRegister. None of the other organizations or individuals may record anythingonto the Household Register.
4. 本户如有人员增减或者登记事项发生变动,应持居民户口簿到户口登记机关申报登记。
If any of the registered items, such as the number of family members, havechanged, the holder of the Household Register shall bring the HouseholdRegister to the Household Registration Organ for updating.
5. 全户迁出户口管辖区的,应向户口登记机关缴销居民户口簿。
Upon migrating of the whole household from the precinct, the household shallsubmit the Household Register to the Household Registration Organ forrevocation.
户主姓名Name ofHouseholder
户号HouseholdNumber 86
西飞干休所家属区5栋409Room 409, Bld 5, ResidentialQuarter of Retired Executives, XAC
省级公安机关户口专用章Sealof Provincial Level Public Security Organ
(陕西省公安厅户口专用章Sealof Public Security Bureau of Shaanxi Province )
(西安市公安局阎良派出所户口专用章Seal of Yanliang Police Station, Public Security Bureau of Xi’anCity)
户口登记机关户口专用章Sealof Household Registration Organ
(西安市公安局户口专用章Sealof Public Security Bureau of Xi’an City)
承办人签章Seal ofRegistrar:
年 月日 签发 Date of Issue:
住址变动登记Recordof Dwelling Address Change
变动后的地址NewDwelling Address after Change
变动日期Date ofChange
承办人签章Seal ofRegistrar
常住人口登记卡Registrationof Resident
姓名Name 王为来WANG, Weilai
户主或与户主关系Householderor Relationship with Householder
曾用名Other NamesUsed
性别Sex 男Male
出生地Place of Birth西安Xi’an 民族Nationality 汉Han (Chinese)
籍贯Native Place西安Xi’an 出生日期Date of Birth April. 1, 1968
本市(县)其它住址Other Dwelling Address in the City (County)
公民身份证件号码IdentityCard No.
身高Height 血型Blood Group
文化程度HighestEducation Received 大学College
婚姻状况MaritalStatus 有配偶Married 兵役状况Military Service
服务处所Place ofWork 西飞公司XAC 职业Occupation 工程师Engineer
何时由何地迁来本市(县)When and from Where Migrated toThis City (County)
何时由何地迁来本址Whenand from Where Migrated to This Dwelling Address
承办人签章Seal ofRegistrar: 登记日期: 年 月 日Date of Registration:
登记事项变更和更正记载Recordof Update and Correction
变更、更正后AfterUpdate or Correction Become
变动日期Date ofChange
承办人签章Seal ofRegistrar
- 户口本德语版翻译模板
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- 户口本翻译英文模板