16天搞定雅思写作Task 2- Day 14 IELTS Music Essay

所属专题:雅思写作  来源:沪江留学网    要点:雅思写作攻略  
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今天我们来了解雅思写作中关于音乐的文章的写作方法。通过音乐这个主题的写作,我们可以get一系列TASK 2的写作方法。让我们看一个例子:

There are many types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important and should it be preserved or is international music that is heard everywhere nowadays more useful to a society?


Understanding the Question


Why do we need music?

Why is traditional music important?

Should it be preserved?

Why is international music important?

Which is the most important?


尽管需要论述的问题很多,但是我们需要权衡出哪个问题是核心,这样才能保证文章主次分明。很明显,例题中的核心是明确表达出:which type of music, traditional or international, you think is more important/useful。所以,归根到底,这类文章的最终目的其实也就是观点的论述。

Planning and Organizing your Answer



上面的例题中,我们可以这样来组织:首先论述为什么我们需要音乐 ,然后比较两种音乐的相对重要性。文章的收尾一定要表明你的观点。如果再前文中表明过观点,结尾也一定要再次陈述观点。


IELTS Music Essay Model Answer

Music exists in some form or another in every culture around the world and it provides enjoyment to millions of people. However, some people are concerned that traditional music is being lost because of the popularity of international music.

Without a doubt, music is a necessity. Firstly, music is important as it provides enjoyment and pleasure in daily life. People listen to music to relax at home, to relieve the boredom of long journeys, and to dance to in the evening at clubs. Not only this, music is also an expression of culture, often being an important part of religious ceremonies such as weddings and funerals or yearly festivals. It is also now important in educational development as children learn to play music at school.

In considering which kind of music is the most important, international music is certainly useful to society because it can be argued that it helps us to understand and relate to other people, cultures and countries as we all listen to the same songs. This has occurred as globalization means Western music is heard around the world. However, it is critical that this is not at the expense of traditional music. It should be a priority to preserve this since it teaches people about their history, and helps societies remember and retain their national and cultural identity.

To conclude, I would argue that one type of music is not more important or useful than another. Traditional music is important and should be preserved as it is part of a country’s cultural identity, but both are needed as they provide enjoyment to people in different ways.

(270 words)

上期文章:16天搞定雅思写作Task 2- Day 13 IELTS Opinion Essays

下期文章:16天搞定雅思写作Task 2- Day 15 Personal Pronouns in Essays for IELTS





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